Take a tour of the platform with our very own HOW2 expert Damian.
(ND) — My teachers CPD needs are so varied. How can I address them all? WAS WHY DID YOU CREATE THE HOW2S
Teachers come from a variety of backgrounds and supporting them all can be a headache. For example, we work with a lot of organisations that have fantastic subject experts, but they’re a little frustrated that those experts can’t always successfully impart their knowledge to their students. They may not have the skills to engage the whole room or perhaps to get their students working independently. Put simply, they are experts and not teachers.
The HOW2s look to support those experts in becoming dual professionals — both an expert and a teacher.
You may have newly qualified teachers in your organisation who could do with support in honing their teaching skills. Maybe you’ve got very experienced teachers who are looking for support in a particular area.
All of these call for a personalised approach to CPD that whole staff training days just can’t address. Tailoring your coaching to fit each individual would perhaps require more coaching hours than you have available and that is where the HOW2s can help. They offer pesonalised support in an easy to understand visual format. They cover a whole range of topics and are available 24⁄7 allowing your staff access to support they need when they need it. They offer the busy training manager or coach a time-efficient way to address all their teachers’ needs.