Instructional Coaching Course
The HOW2s Instructional Coaching Programme
The HOW2 app is supported by an instructional coaching programme that runs over four days using a blended delivery approach combined with self-study. The programme is level 5 accredited with the Chartered Management Institute (CMI).
A unique approach to improving pedagogy in teaching environments
Participants are trained to lead and implement an organisation-wide approach to improving instruction and pedagogy and to tie this into the institution's broader teaching and learning goals.
The programme introduces the HOW2 Instructional Coaching Model which provides a framework for understanding, adapting and implementing the vast array of teaching techniques available on the HOW2 app. The course develops participants' coaching expertise, helping them to support teachers in applying the HOW2 techniques across academic, vocational, and career subjects.
The HOW2 app and instructional coaching programme delivers a combined, unique and unrivalled approach to improving the quality of teaching, ensuring best practices, and evidencing outcomes across teaching organisations.
Four day course breakdown
Embedding HOW2s within an Instructional Coaching Model
The course begins with an introduction to the HOW2 app and Instructional Coaching Model. Linking HOWs to specific teaching themes, by the end of day one, participants will understand how, why and when to apply the HOW2 techniques. They will also know how to to apply the app’s features to the Theory of Action Coaching Cycle.
The second day explores four key coaching behaviours. Taking an action learning approach, participants are given the opportunity to practise their coaching skills using the HOW2 techniques. Day two also includes an end-to-end overview of the features of the HOW2 app.
Linking the HOW2s to organisational objectives, day three invites participants to use the HOW2 app to overcome barriers to effective coaching. Reviewing 'Psychological Levels' Behavioural, Cognitive and Gestalt coaching approaches, the day focuses on coaching to support newly qualified teachers, professional learning activities and onboarding.
On the final day students are asked to deliver presentations on i) how to intoduce HOW2s to new staff ii) NQTs Professional Learning and iii) The HOW2 Instructional Coaching Cycle.
The session invites feedback from course leaders and participants and ends with a review of personal study activities and objectives.
The course begins with an introduction to the HOW2 app and Instructional Coaching Model. Linking HOWs to specific teaching themes, by the end of day one, participants will understand how, why and when to apply the HOW2 techniques. They will also know how to to apply the app’s features to the Theory of Action Coaching Cycle.
The second day explores four key coaching behaviours. Taking an action learning approach, participants are given the opportunity to practise their coaching skills using the HOW2 techniques. Day two also includes an end-to-end overview of the features of the HOW2 app.
Linking the HOW2s to organisational objectives, day three invites participants to use the HOW2 app to overcome barriers to effective coaching. Reviewing 'Psychological Levels' Behavioural, Cognitive and Gestalt coaching approaches, the day focuses on coaching to support newly qualified teachers, professional learning activities and onboarding.
On the final day students are asked to deliver presentations on i) how to intoduce HOW2s to new staff ii) NQTs Professional Learning and iii) The HOW2 Instructional Coaching Cycle. The session invites feedback from course leaders and participants and ends with a review of personal study activities and objectives.
Who is Chartered Management Institute?
The CMI is the Chartered Body for Management and Leadership and the only organisation that can award Chartered Manager status. Working with businesses and educational organisations, the CMI aims to inspire people to become skilled, confident and successful managers and leaders.