HOW2s, Maths and Lorry Drivers Or “How to get apprentices to love Maths as much as they love driving lorries” — Ian Harris, co-creator of HOW2, meets Sean Kane.
Supporting the Modern Teacher The DfE writes about professional learning also being about recruitment, retention and teacher wellbeing. Here's the many ways in which HOW2s contribute to that.
Six Ways Visuals Help Learning Now that we know from research how learning occurs, we can identify the specific ways in which visuals support six psychological processes.
The Cognitive Science behind the HOW2s While the techniques the HOW2s depict have sound research behind them, the science behind the HOW2s visuals themselves are often overlooked. Here's a peek at the evidence
Visual Access to Knowledge I presented at last week's InclusionMeet on the topic of how to improve teacher explanation so every student can access the meaning behind the words. Here's what I said.
Principles of Instruction This is a visual summary showing how the HOW2 Platform supports professional learning related to the Principles of Instruction. It also includes a poster summary of the International Academy of Education research paper on what the most successful teachers do in their classrooms.
Coaching with Unseen Observations in a Nutshell Four easy steps to incorporate unseen observations into your coaching. A no-cost, low-time alternative to graded observations, based on professional conversation.
Coaching with Unseen Observations Classroom observations are a problem. They distort classroom dynamics, encourage an artificial performance and, for all that disruption, aren't very productive. Unseen observations are an alternative approach, focussing on deep learning through professional conversations.
The HOW2 Skills Exchange Wrap your learning culture around the HOW2 Skills Exchange, and you'll see your teachers' self-sufficiency and professionalism grow. While research studies give teachers a general direction, it's their own colleagues who provide the practical know-how from which to learn.