Recent updates to support new users
Default Nudges, Quick-tours and simplified navigation.
Default Nudges for new users
An important part of getting up and running with HOW2 is becoming familiar with setting HOW2 statuses and the Skills Exchange.
With this in mind, we’ve set HOW2 to automatically add a couple of default Nudges for newly-invited users, as well as those users who have already been invited but that are yet to log in:
• Browse the Library and assign your initial Skills Exchange statuses
• Check the organisation Skills Exchange
Both Nudges contain the information and guidance newcomers need to get going with their HOW2 statuses and the Skills Exchange.
Clearer navigation and Quick-tours
The upper-right menus have been made clearer, and all users are now able to take Quick-tours on key pages of the HOW2 app to get up to speed.
Quick-tours will automatically appear for new users the first time they visit the pages.
The Learning Centre
In addition to the in-app guidance, the Learning Centre provides a wealth of information and resources to support your professional learning and use of TeachingHOW2s, at both the organisational and individual levels.
Get in touch
We love hearing from teachers using the HOW2s, as well as those who don’t yet have subscriptions. If you have any queries or feedback for us, please email us at