4 — Are the HOW2s for everyone?
The short answer to this question is “No”
We are often asked if we can offer a free trial — which we don’t do. The big question is, “Is there a ‘fit’ between what you are looking for and what we offer?”
So, although we don’t offer a trial, we don’t charge for the time spent working with you to see if there is a fit. And this would take up far less of your time than a trial. We’d need to have an initial conversation with you.
A few things to consider
You’d almost certainly want to know whether the HOW2s marry with your teaching standards, and therefore, most likely your lesson observation criteria.
Do you have professional learning activities that you want to make more effective? Or, if they are already effective, increase efficiency in?
Do you have professional learning activities that you want to continue doing but need to make budget savings in?
Basically we’d invite you to look at the tangible costs involved in doing what you are doing at the moment and how HOW2s might reduce those costs
And we would definitely want to explore whether the techniques on our site are relevant to the learning needs that your educators experience with their students.
The truth is there isn’t always a fit. But hopefully, you can now see why we need to talk to find out.
Assuming the fit is a good one, what then?
If and when we agree that there seems to be a fit between what you want and what we offer, we’ll set up a screen share and check out the app together — so that everyone involved in the decision-making process can have their questions answered and we can, together, test out how good a fit it is. At the end of the webinar, we will know, one way or the other, whether HOW2s are for you.
Bottom line
HOW2 will not work if it is introduced as another-thing-to-do. To increase effectiveness and achieve the efficiency savings mentioned above, it needs to be used either as part of or as an alternative to what you are doing already.