Coaching with Unseen Observations in a Nutshell Four easy steps to incorporate unseen observations into your coaching. A no-cost, low-time alternative to graded observations, based on professional conversation.
Coaching with Unseen Observations Classroom observations are a problem. They distort classroom dynamics, encourage an artificial performance and, for all that disruption, aren't very productive. Unseen observations are an alternative approach, focussing on deep learning through professional conversations.
The HOW2 Skills Exchange Wrap your learning culture around the HOW2 Skills Exchange, and you'll see your teachers' self-sufficiency and professionalism grow. While research studies give teachers a general direction, it's their own colleagues who provide the practical know-how from which to learn.
Edyta's Collaborative CVs When Edyta teaches her Job Centre Plus students on their Employability course, she knows there should be no formality that might remind them of their school days. So, how could she get them to develop their CVs? And do it collaboratively?