Graphic Organisers — Your no cost virtual teacher Graphic Organisers (GOs) have been around for quite a while. Leonardo da Vinci and Charles Darwin used them. The opportunity cost of using GOs is small. The rewards (increased engagement, motivation, understanding and better results), are quite simply massive. But are they best used?
Graphic Organisers as Advanced Organisers — your flexible friend Graphic Organisers as Advanced Organisers transforms a student's learning experience from something that is abstract, fleeting and private to being concrete, permanent and public.
What we did in 2020 to support busy teachers online in 2021 An overview of some of the development work that took place at Train Visual during 2020. Take a look, all of it was done at your, our customers, request and I am sure that within the text below you will find elements that will reduce workloads.
Festive round up A BIG "thank you" followed by a summary of what's new at HOW2s to reduce workloads, support well-being and help teachers, coaches, managers and leaders hit the ground running in 2021
Apollo 13 — "Houston we have a problem" Apollo 13 is the inspiration behind the HOW2 Teaching Technique "Pilot and Navigator". With many colleges splitting practical classes Pilot and Navigator only needs a little tweak to get students at home working in real-time with their peers in class.
Putting the pedagogy back into technology (or why zoom isn't enough) Providing learners with the opportunity to learn online was no mean feat. But for learning to be engaging, meaningful and sticky we need to add pedagogy to the mix — and fast.
The changing landscape. Why teachers need a safe place to learn too. We all adapted and met the challenge of Covid-19 head-on because there was no other choice. Covid-19 has changed the education landscape for good. We all did what we had to do. Now, it’s time to look to the future, do more to support our teachers, and give them a better way and place to learn.
HOW2s — My journey Damian Rollinson first used HOW2s when he was a sessional lecturer. In this blog post, he describes how HOW2s increased his confidence as a teacher and gave him more time to spend with his growing family.
Teaching online — How to look like you're not new to it Transitioning teaching expertise from live face-to-face settings to online is not immediate. But there are a few little things that can make it look like you've been doing it for ages.
iTransform. A top ten teaching technique. And GREAT for retrieval practice. iTransform ‘works’ with any subject content. It sees learners doing pretty much all of the work. Here are five reasons why iTransform makes it into my top ten.
Why Visual Instruction Plans will save you loads of time and energy Asked which teaching technique I would recommend to every teacher, trainer, assessor, instructor or lecturer, irrespective of their subject I had no hesitation. A tough question but the use of Visual Instructions Plans (VIPs) makes it to the top spot. Here are five reasons why.
5 no-brainers for smarter teaching online 5 things-to-do, to reduce teacher workload and, at the same time, increase learner engagement and reduce drop-out rates. Carole and Ian have a chat...