Take a tour of the platform with our very own HOW2 expert Damian.
How much does it cost?
Just for you.
We’ve given examples below but the cost varies and depends on, among other things, the size of the organisation, whether or not they are joining as part of a network (it works out cheaper per college) and, perhaps most importantly, how and why the organisation is considering its use — what situation is the organisation looking to change? Is HOW2 a viable option? Is there a better way? Whether or not the organisation wants to use it as part of Instructional Coaching and/or other professional learning activities. How important is supporting faculty to the organisation? What does the organisation currently do? Could the HOW2s enhance or offer alternatives to current practice? These conversations will raise questions such as how will the organisation manage any required change? who will drive its use? And Are there training and support requirements around this?
Strange as it may sound, we’ve been known to recommend that organisations do not subscribe. So we don’t offer off the shelf, one-size-fits-all, start at ‘A’ and work through to ‘Z’ type solutions (which are much easier to cost). Instead, we talk to you to see if there is a ‘fit’. We discuss your context and if and how HOW2s might ‘work’ in your setting. Once we’ve done this, we can together work out a package (and a price) — just for you.
The video above will give you a sense of how the HOW2 web app gives
• all full time and adjunct faculty immediate access to the expertise of an instructional coach along with a suite of tools that enable them to share their learning and ask for or offer support from or to their peers across the organisation
• your coaches, faculty developers and anyone else in a supporting role have access to features that mean they can quickly and easily get meaningful pedagogical support to faculty
• leaders have an at-a-glance view of what’s going on so they can see and evidence their return on investment.
A recent subscriber paid £25K for a subscription to support faculty across their college campuses. Of course, £25K is a substantial sum of money — but they were delighted because they, like Middlesbrough College, can now provide more comprehensive support at a comparably reduced cost.
And a teacher training university recently resubscribed to the tune of £20K. They’d already more than recouped this sum through savings made on the previous year’s outreach programme while, at the same time, improving the quality of the programme.
So HOW2s may well be more cost-effective than what you are doing at the moment. To find out we’d need to talk to you.