4 — What does a subscription to HOW2s cost?
Just for you
Strange as it may sound, we’ve been known to recommend that organisations do not subscribe. So we don’t offer an off the shelf, one-size-fits-all solution. We talk to you to discuss your context and explore if and how HOW2s might work in your setting. IF there is a good fit we work out a package (and a price) — just for you.

Ian Harris CEO
We’ve given examples of costs below, but the cost varies and depends on, among other things, the size of the organisation, whether or not they are joining as part of a network (it works out cheaper per college) and, perhaps most importantly, how and why the organisation is considering its use — what situation is the organisation looking to change? Is HOW2 a viable option? Is there a better way? Does the organisation want to use it as part of Instructional Coaching and/or other professional learning activities? Are there already instructional coaches working at the organisation? Are their (non) instructional coaches working at the organisation? If so how are they involved in the work to improve student outcomes? How important is supporting faculty to the organisation? What does the organisation currently do? Could the HOW2s enhance or offer alternatives to current practice? These conversations will raise further questions such as how will the organisation manage any required change? Who will drive its use? And Are there training and support requirements around this?
I can’t imagine what we’d have to invest to get the same level of support to the same number of teachers on the same number of occasions as we do when we implement HOW2s

Middlesbrough College is a Further Education College (UK equivalent of a US Community College) in the North East of England. In 2020 at the start of the CoronaVirus Pandemic, they resubscribed for 3 (more) years with us. Gordon is talking about how they use HOW2s to improve learning through better teaching, moving their external inspection grade from 3 to 2, and from the 4th to 2nd quartile for apprenticeship provision in the process.
If you’d like to hear Gordon talk about how he evidenced the impact of HOW2s to Ofsted (the Government Office for standards in education inspectorate) go back to part 3 of the buyers guide ‘What do your customers say — how do they use it?’
Here are a couple of recent examples
They [HOW2s] are 100% focused on helping students learn. Lessons are more exciting, and it’s digital, so always accessible. Before HOW2s CPD was expensive — around £500 per teacher’s CPD? HOW2s cost a tiny fraction of that per teacher.
A recent new subscriber paid £25K per annum for a subscription to support faculty across their college campuses. They also decided to put a group of staff through our Accredited Instructional Coaching Programme at level 5 (approximately 2K per head) Of course, £25 – 35K is a substantial sum of money — but they were delighted because they, like Middlesbrough College, can now provide more comprehensive support at a comparably reduced cost.
And a teacher training university recently resubscribed to support their trainee teachers at around £20K. They’d already more than recouped this sum through savings made on the previous year’s outreach programme while, at the same time, improving the quality of the programme.
So HOW2s may well be more cost-effective than what you are doing at the moment. To find out, we’d need to talk to you.
We did this work BEFORE the university made the decision to go ahead. We had no interest in selling them something that did not ‘fit’ with US Teaching Standards. NOTE: There was a very good fit and they are now in their second year working with us.