How does the HOW2 web app support faculty?
We think it’s best if a teacher using HOW2s first answers this one.
Here’s Trevor Gordon, a vastly experienced instructional coach and quality manager, describing how HOW2s supported the teachers he was working with.
NOTE: The conversation with Trevor was a few years ago. Many organisations no longer do graded lesson observations so you’ll need to listen past the brief reference to numbers.
No one would argue that it is our professional duty to make sure that the learners we serve succeed in learning. We think, for student success to be most likely to happen, students to be taught by faculty who have the know-how to
- adapt their teaching so that their learners can access the content being taught and are able to remember it — for the long term.
- turn on a sixpence to adapt their teaching to overcome barriers to progress (aka learning needs) that present themselves during the teaching and learning process
In most countries, there are professional standards that teachers are expected to meet. HOW2s support teachers in meeting these standards. Easily. Take a look at the next video.
Time to dive a bit deeper?
Three questions for you to consider in light of the two videos.
1. Is every educator in your organisation a reflective, independent learner — someone who can turn on a sixpence and adapt their practice instantly to meet the learning needs of their learners? Are your educators modelling the dispositions they are looking to develop in their learners?
2. Do you think it would help if every teacher had 24⁄7 access to an app that was as close as the profession has gotten to giving educators access to an instructional coach? And access to a private space where they can go whenever they need to, as many times as they want to, to find solutions to help them overcome the barriers to student learning they are coming across in the classroom, workshop, workplace or online? Would this help?
3. What if your coaches, mentors, advanced practitioners, faculty/quality managers, heads of department were able to do their job, more effectively, more efficiently, in less time — getting support to teachers pretty much instantly. And at a lower cost? Would you be interested in finding out more?
If the answer to the first question is “no”, and to the second and third questions “yes” then we’d love to talk to you.