Visual Instructional Coaching Banner
A seven-step guide to the thinking behind the HOW2 Instructional Coaching Model
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Organisations using HOW2s report a massive increase in the number of educators that benefit from coaching with no increase in expenditure.
we have increased our coaching from 44% in an academic year to 100% in just one term and will complete the process again for term 2, meaning that our staff will have a dramatic increase in opportunities to develop their teaching practice
Becky Vallely, Quality Improvement Manager for SCL, Improvement Through Sport
Rosie Douglas explains the difference visuals make to Instructional Coaching in forty-five seconds
Its like that old saying, words divide, images unite…It’s like gold dust really
Rosie Douglas (retired) , Director of Professional Learning, Mid Kent College, Kent, England
How much does an Instructional Coach cost? Or an Advanced Practitioner (AP)? How much money do you spend and how much time do you allocate to providing coaching and mentoring support for your educators?
The big question we asked was “How can we transform instructional coaching so that the expertise of the coach is no longer scarce, private, fleeting and open to interpretation?” The answer was to extract the instructional knowledge from the coach’s head and make it public, static and visual.
Ian Harris, CEO, Train Visual
Wouldn’t it be great if every teacher could have one-to-one access to an instructional coach? Problem is they are expensive. And there is a limit to how many persons an instructional coach or team of coaches can support. But what if, we asked, we made the expertise of an instructional coach, you know the schema in their heads about teaching techniques, available to everyone? Surely that would help?
And in effect, by creating visual depictions of evidence-informed teaching techniques that is what we’ve done. Now every educator can have access to that expertise for a fraction of the cost. The win-win on this is that this means the coaches or APs you do employ can focus their support on the educators in most need of it. And with the help of the HOW2s coach more eductors in less time (which costs less money)
How2s inspires…its not just kit, it gets confidence up because they [teachers] see it work
Trevor Gordon has over 25 years of experience working as a coach, quality manager and senior leader in the post-16 sector in the UK and overseas.
The banner below sets out why we think HOW2s add value to Instructional Coaching.
A seven-step guide to the thinking behind the HOW2 Instructional Coaching Model