Take a tour of the platform with our very own HOW2 expert Damian.
HOW2s — building professional learning communities. Lessening workloads to support well being.
Improving teacher well-being is high on everyone’s agenda. HOW2s provides a platform to easily build a stronger collaborative professional learning community that can do just that.
Three reasons our HOW2 community asked for an Online Community Notice Board
1. so everyone is aware of upgrades to the features and new HOW2 content added to the app
2. to point people to online Professional Development materials — such as these — so that everyone is literally on the same page
3. to remind or ask users to do something by a set date — e.g to update their skills exchange statuses or set up a supported experiment with their peers to address one learning need or barrier to progress
In a nutshell.
Well-being increases when people experience being part of a community. This involves working with and supporting each other towards common goals. The app does five things that support the rapid growth of a professional learning community.
1. It provides everyone with the same, instant access to bite-sized pedagogical solutions that are very easy to understand and apply.
2. It makes it incredibly easy for busy teachers to contact, buddy up and support each other peer to peer across faculty, campus or other boundaries.
3. It makes it a cinch for colleagues such as faculty managers, coaches or mentors — people with responsibility for supporting teachers — to provide more support to more teachers more often.
4. It offers leaders with a consistent approach to Professional Learning that is simply not achievable through traditional means. The unique dual coded combination still graphics and words provide a shared language and understanding of pedagogy that eliminates faculty, campus, state (country even) borders.
5. It democratises access to pedagogical expertise so that every member of staff, whether full time, adjunct or sessional can access support What now?
In the video above Sally Dicketts CBE talked about how HOW2s
• provide transparency of practice across the organisation as managers work to translate SLT strategy to effective instruction.
• were subscribed to in 2014 to help her ensure consistency of quality of teaching across such a large and diverse group
• help teachers meet the challenge of motivating students to succeed; many students have already experienced failure at school — particularly in subjects like English and Maths.
NOTE: Activate now employs far more than the two thousand staff mentioned in the video.
What now? Arrange a tour and/or watch a video.
Video Option.
Remember comprehensive professional learning does not have to mean its complicated. There are only four ‘ingredients’ so to speak, that are always present…
1. People, 2. A learning need, 3. A solution, and 4. A process. Voila!
Bring a professional learning activity of your choosing to mind while you make a cup of tea. Then sit back and watch the video. It’s not going to make the Oscars but we do our best!
Guided Tour Option.
Use the contact us button below to get in touch so we can arrange a tour. It’ll be confidential and just for you.