Explore monthly highlights from your community
New for 2024, HOW2 monthly update emails contain insights into personal and organisation-wide activity on the platform.

Simplifying the processes of recording CPD activity and sharing expertise have always been key focusses for TeachingHOW2s. Users can quickly and easily track their progress via the Skills Exchange and share their knowledge with colleagues through community notes.
As activity accumulates over time many of our subscribers have taken to manually tracking which content is most popular and who is most engaged within their respective communities.
Our new monthly digest feature attempts to automate much of this process, giving users an insight into their personal activity each month as well as highlighted activity from colleagues.

The latest Skills Exchange activity features prominently, so users can monitor their progress over the past month, as well as how many statuses have been assigned by colleagues.
Within each organisation the three top contributors will be selected based on the quantity and quality of their submissions to the app. If you’re keen to appear in the number one slot then sharing notes that are highly recommended by colleagues will go a long way!
Each email will also contain any notices that were posted to your HOW2 dashboard in the past month, as well as a selection of the best notes shared within your organisation.
We hope that you’ll find this update useful and, as ever, if you have any thoughts or feedback, don’t hesitate to get in touch.