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Applying HOW2s

Bringing evidence-based, guided expertise to faculty development and professional practice.

The step-by-step, sequential nature of the HOW2s promotes adaptive thinking right from the outset and brings precise, deliberate expertise to activities designed to enhance student engagement and learning outcomes.

The HOW2s bring tangible benefits to faculty development and teaching and learning activities.

With 24/7 access to precise step-by-step guides to over 160 teaching models and techniques and a suite of collaborative learning tools designed to facilitate cross-disciplinary communities of practice, the HOW2 platform makes it easy for CTLs to support all faculty members in improving teaching excellence and student learning. With the HOW2 app, anyone responsible for running a CTL can respond quickly, easily and effectively to the professional learning needs of all faculty.

The HOW2 platform gives full-time and adjunct faculty a private space to create personal and meaningful projects relating to teaching, learning, and assessment. Round the clock access to instructional coaching expertise puts faculty in charge of their own learning. Faculty can choose to learn and explore on their own, at their own pace, or to learn with fellow faculty using the HOW2 app’s community learning tools.

The HOW2 app promotes collaborative learning experiences for all faculty. The app's skills exchange enables and encourages the creation of cross-disciplinary learning communities, facilitating the sharing of best practices and creative development. As more faculty members, faculty developers, supervisors and coaches engage with the platform, more collaboration takes place. Over time, the platform serves as a central, community hub for all professional learning and development, SoTL and FLCs.

Guides to evidence-based teaching techniques give all faculty, including part-time or adjunct, access to the expertise of an instructional coach. The HOW2 app gives faculty developers a way to provide hundreds of busy educators with precise and explicit teaching models that are easy to learn and apply - delivering expert know-how and saving time for both faculty developers and faculty.

Giving full-time and adjunct faculty access to the HOW2 app means they can quickly and easily respond proactively to student evaluations and adapt their teaching to meet the learning needs identified by their students. Faculty can do this independently or by using the app's nudge and notes tools in collaboration with their supervisor, faculty developer or divisional chair.

With the HOW2s, faculty developers, supervisors and coaches are given the know-how to help faculty deliver on their professional development goals. Professional learning conversations between supervisor and faculty member, move from a focus on ‘what to do’ towards ‘how to do it.’

The HOW2s provide a common focus for peer observations. Whilst the observee can decide on the particular teaching technique to review, the observer can offer precise, targeted input to shared learning conversations - enhancing the learning experience for both participants.

Is HOW2 right for your college or workplace?

Take our survey to see if our platform will work with your processes, whether inplace or to be launched.

The HOW2 Process

A common process which underpins all professional learning activities

What part of the student learning experience do you want to improve? A learning need or specific barrier(s) to student progress is identified.

Teaching solutions are explored in the library. Skills exchange statuses are set to ‘considering it’ and initial notes are made.

Infographics and presentations are used to learn a chosen technique(s). Peers are consulted via the skills exchange.

Adaptations to the technique are made, perhaps with colleagues identified using the skills exchange, to suit the faculty's context.

The techniques are used as part of a teaching sequence. Skills exchange statuses are changed to 'working on it'.

Notes are discussed with peers or a coach. Qualitative and quantitative metrics are noted and any necessary changes are made.

Notes on the technique's adaptations and impact are published and shared with peers. Skills exchange statuses are changed to embedded.

Recipe for Success

HOW2s thrive when three key groups are aligned

Senior leaders…

… who view high-quality pedagogy as key to improving student engagement, retention and learning outcomes.

Faculty Developers, Supervisors, and Coaches…

… who use the HOW2 platform to support individual and organisation-wide faculty development.


… who want to be more effective teachers and recognise the importance of good pedagogy in achieving this goal.

Take a tour of the platform with our very own HOW2 expert Damian.

Book a call

Want to see the HOW2 impact?

Join Damian and HOW2 users in our next webinar on September 2.