Mapping HOW2s to the 2019 Inspection Framework
Gordon Duffy-McGhie reveals how well HOW2s map against the 2019 Inspection Framework for England. Gordon is Director of Teaching, Learning and Student Experience at Middlesbrough Further Education College in the North East of England.

As ‘Leaders and Managers’ we plan to use the How2s to evidence how our use of CPD enables teachers to develop ‘subject expertise and pedagogical knowledge over time’.
Gordon Duffy-McGhie
CPD relating to the development of teachers’ ‘pedagogical knowledge’ is implicit in each How2. The supporting resources are thoroughly grounded in contemporary education research and enable us to drive a practitioner-led approach to staff CPD.
The How 2 dashboard provides an ideal platform for capturing the ‘discussions on pedagogical content knowledge’, as it tracks ongoing ‘learning conversations’ between teachers and leaders and links them to classroom practice. The support ‘leaders’ offer is very well recorded in the dashboard ‘timeline’, and the impact of ‘CPD’ is well evidenced through the ‘shared conversations’ staff have with others.

How2s are a great tool for linking INTENT to IMPLEMENTATION in order to evidence IMPACT!
Gordon Duffy-McGhie

Gordon and his colleagues have mapped out the use of HOW2s against the following headings — all are taken from the 2019 Inspection Framework. Comments in bold italics in brackets have been added.
Teachers having expert knowledge of the subjects that they teach. If they do not, they are supported to address gaps so that learners are not disadvantaged by ineffective teaching. (HOW2s show teachers a wide range of specific ways to teach expert subject knowledge effectively )
Teachers enable learners to understand key concepts, presenting information clearly and promoting discussion. (HOW2s show teachers a wide range of specific ways to do this)
Teachers check learners’ understanding effectively and identify and correct misunderstandings. (HOW2s show teachers a wide range of specific ways to do this)
Teachers ensure that learners embed key concepts in their long-term memory and apply them fluently and consistently.(HOW2s show teachers a wide range of specific ways to do this)
Teachers use assessment to check learners’ understanding in order to inform teaching. (HOW2s show teachers a wide range of specific ways to do this)
Teachers use assessment to help learners to embed and use knowledge fluently, to develop their understanding, and to gain, extend and improve their skills and not simply memorise disconnected facts. (HOW2s show teachers ways to do this)
Sources of evidence specific to curriculum implementation
Discussions with subject specialists and leaders about the content and pedagogical content knowledge of teachers, and what is done to support them
Leadership and management
whether continuing professional development for teachers, trainers and other staff is aligned with the curriculum, and the extent to which this develops teachers’ subject expertise and pedagogical knowledge over time, so that they deliver high-quality education and training (The skills exchange supports organisations in providing evidence of this)