Take a tour of the platform with our very own HOW2 expert Damian.
Do we need to use HOW2s? We know how to use the eTextbook technology
Knowing how to use the eTextbook technology does not mean the user knows how to integrate the use of the technology into a meaningful learning sequence.
Most, if not all, eTextbook platform providers will provide training on the use of features like bookmarking, highlighting and notetaking. And because educators are familiar with books, this is pretty easy to understand.
So, “yes”, it may well be you don’t need HOW2s. Let’s find out. How many of these questions can you answer “yes”?
Do your educators use the technology…
1. for flipped learning activities (to ensure learners arrive at sessions ready to learn) Yes/No/Don’tknow
2. as part of a formative assessment sequence (to check for learner understanding and inform what they as educators do next) Yes/No/Don’tknow
3. for self and peer assessment (to promote independent learning and deepen understanding) Yes/No/Don’tknow
4. as part of the interrogative elaboration interrogation (to support long term recall) Yes/No/Don’tknow
5. as part of spaced practice (to help embed essential knowledge) Yes/No/Don’tknow
6. to develop lifelong learning and employability skills Yes/No/Don’tknow
7. as part of a strategy to develop independent learning/study skills Yes/No/Don’tknow
8. to promote collaborative learning and team working Yes/No/Don’tknow
9. to deconstruct and reconstruct text to deepen understanding Yes/No/Don’tknow
10. alongside dual coding for enhanced retention and recall Yes/No/Don’tknow
One further thought
What are the usage stats telling you? How well are your educators engaging with your eTextbooks? Could it be because they need support in seeing how to integrate their use into the teaching sequence?