We’ve invested heavily in the use of eTextbooks. I’m responsible for the roll out and need to increase their use. Can you help?
A big “Yes” we can.
Does the following connect to your experience?
• Students are not using the eTextbooks as much as you would like? Non-use is making it hard for you to justify current levels of expenditure.
• Students are not keen on reading, not least because they are not practised at either finding meaning within the text or research skills.
• The problem lies, not in the academics or the students being able to use the eTextbook technology but in the academics not knowing how to integrate the use of eTextbooks into good pedagogy.
• Academics need support (ideas) to integrate the use of eTextbooks into the teaching sequence to get students using the eTextbooks more (and more meaningfully); particularly when they are away from the classroom or workshop.
We’ve created a collection of step by step guides to evidence-informed teaching techniques. Each technique shows academics exactly how to integrate the use of eTextbooks into a meaningful pre or post-lesson activity. Many of them require students to work collaboratively. All of them require students to actively engage with the eTextbook and extract or create meaning from it.
In addition to the step-by-step guides that show educators exactly how to integrate the use of eTextbooks into meaningful learning sequences, the HOW2 web app contains a range of features to point your non-digital native colleagues, in the right direction so to speak.
A groups feature allows you to select the academics you want to nudge.

A sets feature allows you to select the techniques you’d like them to try.

The nudge feature itself enables you to support your non-digital natives in using your eTextbooks
The nudge feature will send automatic reminders for you.