Remote Ready Professional Learning
NCFE Cache endorses HOW2s. They asked us if we would contact some of our customers that deliver their qualifications, to find out what our customers say about HOW2s. Adrian Pegg, Assistant Director Teaching, Learning and Assessment at Newcastle College Group reports...
NCG deliver a range of NCFE/CACHE qualifications in curriculum areas such as childcare, education, mental health and travel and tourism. We subscribe to HOW2s to support our teachers in delivering these qualifications, they support our staff to meet and overcome the barriers to learning, providing the learners with an opportunity to excel in their studies.
Why did you subscribe to HOW2s?
Before we had HOW2s we supported our teachers by continuous professional development (CPD) events, focusing on specific topics throughout the academic year, together with bespoke one to one support provided by the use of advanced practitioners. These are still integral to our approach, but we subscribed to the HOW2s because they can effectively support large numbers of staff that are geographically dispersed across the country. Because they are online the HOW2’s help solve the difficulty in reaching and supporting all staff, in an efficient way, in developing not only their teaching practice but also underlying pedagogical knowledge. The HOW2’s form a supportive mechanism as part of the NCG Great Place to Teach, providing practitioners with evidence-based teaching strategies, guiding them through a series of decisions and actions in delivering exceptional education.
What have been the benefits?
The most significant benefit is having a wide range of evidence-based tools and ideas at your fingertips, accessible at any time, enabling us to drive a practitioner-led approach to staff CPD. Staff are able to connect with curriculum areas right across the group and can discuss and share experiences. It has provided an opportunity for teachers to become more innovative and try new approaches to teaching and learning. For some teachers, it has increased their confidence to try new things, providing clear step by step guidance of how to run activities in your choice of infographic, PowerPoint or book.
Would you recommend HOW2s to other providers?
We’d recommend HOW2s to other providers because the HOW2s provide staff with a more comprehensive menu of support that is instantly accessible. The HOW2’s makes it easy for any member of staff, regardless of experience, to engage with the platform.