Spring term COVID offer
Teachers, now more than ever, need support with their pedagogy. If you'd like to reduce workloads and give teachers ways to engage & motivate students AND support and build your professional learning community as we all emerge from these complicated times then HOW2s are here to help.

Free set up, consultation and access to the 6 HOW2s in our Introducing HOW2s collection for all your teachers. Designed to deliver successful online lessons & reduce teacher workloads significantly. AND IF you like what you see and hear, you can subscribe to full access, and you’ll get up to 3 months of full access at no cost.
What now? As easy as one, two, three
Step One
Fill in the contact form below, and we’ll get back to you so you can
• set up your account
• schedule a free consultation
We subscribed to HOW2s during the first lockdown and it gave us an effective way to provide continuous support and build our sense of community. We are pushing out the online HOW2 teaching techniques and the teachers are really engaging with them!
Alison Loughnane, Advanced Practitioner, Hopwood Hall College
HOW2s improve learning through better teaching
Sally Dicketts CBE, President of the English Association of Colleges and CEO of Activate Learning group of colleges, Oxford, England
Step Two
Once you are set up you can login to your free account
• to access and share (see the next bullet point) the introductory set of six HOW2s
• allocate logins to ALL your teachers (including PT and sessionals) so that they can access the introductory set too
Step Three
We are repeating the offer we made to colleges like Hopwood Hall during the first lockdown — IF you like what you see and hear and decide to upgrade to full access and, depending on when the upgrade happens, you could get March and April for free because we will extend your first year’s subscription to May 1st 2022!